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"7 People and a Flag" was the eleventh Tea Time commentary delivered on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, airing on 13 May 2010.

The Comment[]

First, that isn't your water coming to a boil. It's our nightly checkup on the something for nothing crowd. It's Tea Time. Now they're just the nothing for nothing crowd. This is just getting sad.

It was a mass Tea Party rally at North Carolina's General Assembly building. The goal? Show the man the unmitigated force of all the protesters banding together, putting aside their differences and nuances to form a united front to demand the repeal of health care reform. This was the chance to illustrate the evil that socialism, fascism, Nazism and Botulism have inflicted upon our fair land and tell the legislators who's boss.

The methodology is simple. Bring the membership of 20 different Tea Party groups to the center of North Carolina's state government, and have each patriot link hands and form a human chain around the building. It was only about nine seconds worth of video of the vast multitude, this mass of mankind that stepped up to meet history's moment.

Oh, the humanity, 50 people, with long arms, I guess. Okay, Okay: I've got another one. It was a mass Tea Party rally at North Carolina's Bank of America headquarters in Charlotte. The goal, show the man the unmitigated force of all the protesters, banding together, putting aside their differences and nuances to form a united front, to demand the defeat of the Congressional financial reform bill. This was the chance to illustrate the— let's just cut to the chase and show this picture.

Looks like the crowd's thinned out a bit. That was it, seven people. Seven people and a flag. Do you have a flag? If it's that bad, to invoke the late great Bill Hicks, have some self-respect. Stay home and you can look up the last word online.
